Why should your business cross the road?

To get to the greener side!

Gez Couch – 28th October 2016

Do you remember the green cross code? In school, we all learnt the basics of road safety. But now we’re in the grown up real world, we need to rethink how we interact with the environment around us. Here’s some revision: The GREEN green cross code!


Avoiding your effect on the environment is no longer an option. All businesses are required to look closely at their impact and develop a waste reduction strategy. Since the turn of the millennium, global warming has become a hot potato of discussion. Governments are attempting to lower our greenhouse gas emissions. New business methods which reduce our consumption of the planet’s resources are being developed. Traditional business first looked to offset emission levels with carbon neutralising programmes. Ultimately, though, these methods only incurred costs. In an ever competitive marketplace, every business needs to be streamlined to offer the best value to their customers. Can you afford to pay for your damage to the planet?


A true millennial does not only make their purchase based on price. They are even happy to pay a premium for an eco-friendly alternative. By lowering your emissions and improving your green credentials you can secure new business. You can develop a strategy that is worthy of the 21st-century marketplace. Do you want to be left behind in the digital age?

Here at Norango, we understand how our office based competition impacts on their surroundings. It contributes a whopping 28000 tonnes of CO2 to the atmosphere per annum. We, on the other hand, offer a true alternative. We have developed our business with the modern consumer in mind. We have looked for a way to minimise our impact from the beginning. We have none of the constraints of a physical office and no ticking time bomb of expensive hardware to maintain. We are thus able to invest in developing our own software.


We are always listening. We listen to our clients when tailoring a solution to fit their needs. We listen during your 30-day evaluation. We listen to market trends. We position ourselves at the forefront of eco-friendly business. We are constantly developing our environmental impact policy. We are perfectly suited to handle the most complex of tasks without putting any pressure on the planet. No modern business can ignore the consumer. People expect instant results and want to quantify their purchase with green credentials. By choosing a service provider with antiquated systems and methods you will get stuck in the mud when it comes to company development. Do your customers deserve better?

Cross over to Norango and start your journey to a greener alternative today.

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